Five things every hunter does that you need to start doing today

POSTED: 10-31-2014 IN: Your Weekly Weapon With David Farbman

I can’t wait for opening day, seeing hard frost as it melts or the dew on the ground, hearing the first shots ring out. When hunters take to the fields next Saturday for opening day, you can be sure they are pumped up and ready to hunt. Every hunter should follow five steps to ensure they get the shot at the trophy they seek. When you apply these five things to the target in your own life, you will hit more of your bulls-eyes!

  • Study your prey. I study the deer herd up north year-round. I watch the bucks mature, make notes on their trails, where they eat, where they live. I pay attention to the details of their lives. If you are targeting a new job, a new love interest or a long-term goal, study that business, that person, or how others have reached their goals. These details will contribute immeasurably to your success.
  • Narrow your scope and set your desired outcome. Trophy hunters never walk into a field guns a-blazing. We wait and choose and negotiate for the deer we want. You should to do the same. Once you set your desired outcome, you can tailor everything toward hitting your target.
  • Gather your gear. Most hunters have unique and personal rituals which can border on the superstitious. For example, I wear the same hand warmer/muffo, bring along the same number of sandwiches, and have even found the perfect water cup that makes no noise when I drink. What gear is important to hit your target? Lucky pens, an amazing resume, whatever makes you feel powerful and secure, pack it up and be ready to go.
  •  Get in the field. I can visualize taking down that buck all I want, but when it comes down to it, I have to be in the moment and ready when the time comes. Get out there, visit the place you want to work, check out the places you’d like to share with someone special, hit the gym. Very little happens at home, sitting on the couch. What are you waiting for?
  • Take your shot when it is time. You’ve prepared, you’ve studied, and you have invested your heart and your head in this moment. Aim carefully; be confident and go for it. In this heart-pounding, exhilarating moment, you feel so fully alive; you won’t want to wait before starting all over again.

You don’t need to wait for November 15; your hunt for success starts now.

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