2017 marks the 10th anniversary of Carbon Media Group. What started with me and a few dedicated people in a converted closet at Farbman Group is now the online world leader for the outdoor industry. We’ve had our ups and downs, our wins and losses, but it’s all been worth it to be where we are now: a highly regarded source for news, a strong partner in our advertising relationships and an evolving platform for bringing top talent and constantly building up the community that loves to hunt, fish and shoot.
This has not been an easy climb. We’ve had to build our gear halfway up the mountain if you know what I mean. We’ve pivoted, we’ve tracked big trophy bucks; sometimes we brought home the trophy and sometimes we grew stronger and smarter from experience, more prepared for the hunt ahead.
Several times I’ve had to take a step back and consider letting the dream go. But I’ll ask you all the same question I asked myself: when has anything great ever come to you without its ups and downs? For us at Carbon, for you on a hunt, these moments of struggle and stress are mere challenges, not barriers. The real payoff comes when you hunt smarter, stay true to your targets and remember that the hunt is as important as the trophy.
I want to thank everyone who has walked this road with me, whether for months or years and going on this journey with me. From my brother and partner, Andy, to my wife Nadine: your support, strength, belief in the dark times has more often than not shown me the light. To the current leadership team, the trust I have for you is boundless. I know the next ten years will be just as fulfilling, frustrating and fascinating as the last. Because we are all hunters. And we will continue to hit our targets.