

LEVERAGE OF THE HUNTER: A lifelong hunter and outdoorsman, Farbman uses the techniques that lead to success in the field to drive success in the boardroom. His proprietary method, “The Hunt,” uses a five-pillar system for tracking and targeting goals: Predatory Consciousness; Authenticity; Leverage; Real Time Execution; and Flow. As Farbman lays out the pillars in everyday language, audiences are able to tap into their dormant hunter’s instincts and start taking down the targets they want most in life.

DISCOVER AND EMPOWER YOUR NATURAL BORN HUNTER: In today’s world, people have lost sight of what a hunter is. All humans are hunters, whether the prey is animals, profitable business deals, and successful outcomes to confrontations or hard to find collectibles. Farbman helps audiences discover the hunter within. He shows them how to develop primal skills and move from prey to predator to super predator. Farbman arms audiences with the needed weapons to take down their biggest goals while maintaining a sense of clarity.

MASTERING FLOW-BASED EXECUTION: When an individual can align the needed variables and come up with a viable solution to a difficult problem, they have the opportunity to create something powerful with unlimited scale. Farbman will share how he used The Hunt system to overcome his own challenges, stayed awake in the process and was able to leverage his struggles into a highly profitable media company. He will reveal the secrets to becoming a true hunter and how vision, belief, conviction and clarity of desired outcomes are imperative to success. He encourages audiences to trust the flow of business, the state of the economy, the situation at hand and realize everything is always in perfect natural order.

LEARNING TO LIVE THE TREE STAND LIFE: Using his five steps to rising above problems and the noise of distractions, Farbman teaches audiences that achieving clarity of vision is the key to hunting down more successful moments in life. Desired outcomes are more easily achieved when hunters can rise above the noise and get above the tree line to bring about a more neutral state of mind.