Category Archives: Nature and the Pursuit of Life

Nature and the Pursuit of Life: One Moment Can Change the World

POSTED: 12-26-2012 IN: Nature and the Pursuit of Life

Last week in New York on business I decided to take a quick stroll through Central Park between meetings. There is something magical about Central Park that makes me feel a little bit clearer whenever I am there. As I strolled through the park I kept thinking about how one moment, good or bad, can […]

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Nature and the Pursuit of Life: The Trophy in Life is Only a Tweak Away

POSTED: 12-19-2012 IN: Nature and the Pursuit of Life

It’s a bitter cold morning and even though I’m layered up, I think to myself, “if I don’t start seeing action soon I’m going to be shivering my ass off.” Just as these thoughts come out a young 8 pointer chasing a doe stops directly under my tree. I smile knowing it’s going to be […]

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Nature and the Pursuit of Life: Sometimes in Life You Got to Get Dirty and Deep

POSTED: 11-28-2012 IN: Nature and the Pursuit of Life

Last Saturday, in 25-degree temperatures with a stiff west wind, my friend Harry and I fought our way through the nastiest tangle I have damn near ever been in. We were cutting our way into the thick overgrown section of property that sits at the corner of the Saline, Michigan farm which I hunt from […]

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Nature and the Pursuit of Life: The Woods Have a Way of Helping Us Cool Our Heads Down

POSTED: 11-21-2012 IN: Nature and the Pursuit of Life

Keeping our emotions in check is hard to do sometimes, but it’s in these challenging moments where keeping a cool head can allow you to fly past the competition. The best businessmen, the best gamblers, the best hunters know how to keep a cool head under pressure. Someone or something will always exist to test […]

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