On the Hunt for Safer Roads

POSTED: 05-01-2015 IN: Your Weekly Weapon With David Farbman

On May 5, Michigan voters will be presented the opportunity to make our roads safer for future generations and ourselves by voting yes on Proposal 1, popularly referred to as “Safer Roads Yes!” Proposal 1 is vital to the continued success of our state. We can all agree that our roads are a mess. And it is up to us, the citizens of Michigan, to make the investment.

The current road budget will continue to feed the “slap a patch on it” methodology of road repair that simply leads to worsening conditions year after year. It’s like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound and expecting it to heal. We need a long-term, consistent source of funding to create infrastructure, ensuring safe roads for generations to come.

Each spring, my oldest son and I cannot wait to get out the convertible for his drive to school. Just weeks ago, I asked Hunter if he wanted to ride to school in that car, and he said, “Dad, the roads aren’t ready yet.” When a 7-year old can see the problem, you know things need to change.

Our roads need $1.2 billion dollars annually just to keep them in fair to good condition. A penny on the dollar is a small price to pay to avoid accidents, damage to our vehicles and increased insurance costs. It is equal to the cost of one cracked windshield replacement or wheel damage, which leads to missing work and additional costly fallout. I am not going to pretend it is a clean bill, but we all know how government works. Getting a bipartisan commitment to support a bill of this importance was vital. Making our roads safe is integral to the future of our state.

As a hunter, a businessman and a father, I understand the importance of leaving a clean wake: leaving the path better than I found it. Proposal 1 is not just a good idea; it’s a form of self-preservation – for our families, our businesses, our state and ourselves. Vote “Yes” on Proposal 1 on May 5: Michigan can only move forward on roads constructed to last.

Please watch and support my videos on Proposal 1 and don’t forget to vote on May 5th.

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