Appreciate Every Moment on The Hunt

POSTED: 10-28-2016 IN: Uncategorized

As a young man, I planned and plotted and spent most of hunting season doing exactly that, hunting.  Ok, maybe I also spent some time doing some other things, but time in the woods felt endless; all obligations fell to the wayside as I pursued whichever big buck I had my eye on that year.  They say youth is wasted on the young, but I say it’s time…time you can never get back or even grasp the value of when you are 18 and invincible.  Now we must focus our time and energy more carefully.

Back in the day, I spent the summer watching the deer that roam our family farm.  I wandered and stalked and picked out my trophy long before hunting season began.  It’s that process that taught me to be patient in business, to do my homework, learn and prepare.  It is also the thing that gives me the experience and expertise, now, when I don’t have the luxury of time, to jump in and just go. Well, that and the invention of trail cameras. 🙂

As I enter the pre-rut of this year’s hunting season, my anticipation is no different than it was years ago.  What is different is how much time I have to pursue this passion of mine.  Now I need to make every moment count, every second in the blind, every scuff mark on every tree.  Heading up to northern Michigan this weekend, I can’t wait to breathe the early morning air as I hike the property in search of what will undoubtedly become the obsession of this year’s hunt.

There is another difference, a shift in my attitude about time.  Time used to be infinite, a long stretch of road with an end I’d never reach.  Lately, especially as I watch my boys grow, I’ve come to realize how quickly time is passing.  Some might think of that is disheartening or stressful, but for me it’s a reminder to be present, be aware and most importantly, be real.  We get only one life.  I plan to spend mine doing all the things I love: hunting, enjoying with my wife and boys, growing businesses with my brother, Andy and hitting targets in all areas of my life.

Get out there and do the things you love. Find balance in your time.  Appreciate each moment, my hunters.  Email me and let me know how you make every moment count, I love hearing from you!


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