How to Ditch the Judge on Your Hunt

POSTED: 09-02-2016 IN: Uncategorized

We’ve talked here before about the Judge, that voice inside your head that questions everything you do.  With the end of summer here and a fresh autumn breeze approaching, I thought we could take advantage of a new season to do a little internal house cleaning.  Through many conversations on warm summer nights over a crackling fire and a cold beverage, I noticed the same triggers that power the judge seem to be pushing so many of us to second-guess our actions.  Conversely, the scout keeps you above and clear, focused and open-minded, ready to act without distractions.

Let’s discuss how the judge is getting in the way on our hunts:

Keeping up with the Joneses: There is a powerful quote from Theodore Roosevelt: “Comparison is the thief of joy.”  When we compare ourselves to others, to our expectations or even to our own past experiences, we cut ourselves off from present joy.  So ditch the “it’s not like it was” and appreciate things for what they ARE.

Overscheduled and exhausted: we are all so fricking busy!  The judge likes you to be busy because busy is a distraction from the real issues affecting us.  Take the time to be still.  Find that stillness you use when tracking a deer (or a deal) and you will be surprised by how quickly the judge quiets down.

Worrying like it’s your job: A friend of mine was sharing the idea of how negativity cuts a river bed through your mind. Each time you have a negative thought, it follows that carved path to the same negative conclusion – EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.  Your scout has to be positioned like a lifeguard, ready to intercept and challenge those thoughts, change the flow of the river and get you back to dry land.

I hope this Labor Day weekend you will take the time to get to know your scout.  Ditch your phone, find some peace and stillness, give yourself a break.  You are a hunter, you know how to tap into your internal wellspring of self and find the true you.  Some days are harder than others, that I know.  But I believe in you, the power of nature and the strength of the human spirit.  Here’s to the scout in all of us!

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