Facing Change Like a Hunter

POSTED: 06-03-2016 IN: Uncategorized

We have a saying here in Michigan, “if you don’t like the weather, wait a minute, it will change.” That statement is also true about life.  If you don’t like your life, trust me, it will change.  Whether is changes for the better or worse is up to you.

When it comes to change, fear is often the leading emotion.  We fear the unknown; we are afraid of a future we cannot see.  But the truth is, knowing is not knowing.  It’s an illusion created by our unconscious to protect us from the idea that there may not be a day after tomorrow.

A truth I am learning to embrace is that change IS the only constant.  Nature changes daily.  The rivers flow, the oceans churn, the air cycles around the earth; the air you are breathing right now is not the air from your last breath.   We face change every moment of every day without thinking about it, let alone fearing it.

My challenge for you, hunters: see change as opportunity.  Here are a few reminders on how to get to a place of clarity and fearlessness when it comes to change:

  • Get above and clear about how you feel, sometimes all you need is a different perspective to see the possibilities.
  • Sit down with a person who knows nothing about what you are facing and lay it out for them. Another set of eyes can often see what is not apparent when you are too close to the challenge.
  • Take a look around you. As I said earlier, the earth is in a constant state of change. Pick up on the details of those changes so you can recognize the changes in your life.
  • Take a break. As parents, we don’t always see the small daily changes in our kids.  And then one day you see them from afar, and they are inches taller overnight!  Sometimes you need to take a step back to see what was happening right in front of your eyes.


As hunters, we are always looking for the next shot, the next opportunity to take down a target.  Change gives us that shot every day; it’s up to you to take it or not.

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