Happy Holidays on The Hunt

POSTED: 12-23-2014 IN: Uncategorized

I love my kids. I love my work. And I truly enjoy spending time with my family and friends over the extended break between Chanukah and the start of the New Year. This year, I’m going all in: full submersion into family.   So I’ve come up with a plan, based on the pillars of The Hunt, to make this the best holiday break EVER.

Get Above & Clear: Set your target now: to enjoy and embrace this experience. That will be the mantra when times get tough, when the kids are up at 5am, when you just want to be alone, when someone suggests an outing and you just want to stay home.   Say “yes,” jump in. It’s about the experience.

Be Your Most Authentic Self: This will be tough. But remember that the people you are with love you as you are. So just be YOU. And repeat the mantra. Enjoy and embrace!

Leverage: You can’t buy the kind of leverage you will get on this one. The memories you will make, the bonds you will build will all add up to something entirely different that you cannot even imagine.   This is something that will come back tenfold because selflessness always pays off.

Real-Time Execution: Be in the moment. When you are awake and aware on this adventure, execution will follow seamlessly. Say “yes” to cake for breakfast, add marshmallows to that hot chocolate, if someone says “let’s have a drink,” start pouring! Execution is action; be a person of action.

Flow: When you are in it, go with it. As each day goes by and you are continually present and invested in the activities and relationships around you, things will start happening…connections will be made; events will occur that you could only ever hope to happen naturally. You and the people around you will begin an effortless dance, orchestrated by flow. And it will be awesome.

Happy Holidays, hunters! And know that every good word, every thought, every memory you share with another makes your hunt more successful and your life richer. Just like all of you make mine. So thank you for a great 2014 and I cannot wait to see what incredible moments we will share in 2015.

Much Love to my peeps! XO – DFarbz

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