Hunting is Not a Season; It’s a Way of Life

POSTED: 08-08-2015 IN: Uncategorized

In the summer, days are longer, mornings are sleepier, each evening is made better by later dinners and long conversations, accompanied by the sounds of nature and kids running barefoot through the grass. Grass that needs cutting because sitting right here right now is the best possible thing to do.

We all want those never-ending days of summer to last (after all, we suffer a long winter here in Michigan). But when summer hits, I find myself taking extra time to dig in and hunt down all the opportunities that present themselves in the bright light of a summer day. Now is the time to get that tree stand view and see what might be written in the dust left over from winter.

Did you have to cancel a meeting due to a snowstorm? Or break a date because something ran over, or a situation got out of hand? Now is the time to reschedule, rekindle, remake the relationships that have been buried under all those obligations cooler weather brings.

Summer is the best time to gather information before true “hunting” season begins: there is less clutter, fewer hunters on your path, more opportunities to gather real information and more time to build relationships to fulfill and enrich your life. It is a great time to take the time to learn about trends, competition, or developments in your field, business or family. So when hunting season hits, you have a better chance of walking away with the trophy you are pursuing.

Do not misunderstand, I want you to run barefoot in the grass and sit by the lake. I want you to feel the sun on your face and wind in your hair. But do not let the summer replace the fire in your gut with a cold beer in your hand. You can have it all by using your time wisely and remembering hunting is not a season, it’s a way of life.

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