With three young boys between the ages of one and six my wife and I have our hands full. Through all of the madness I am constantly watching to see who will be my hardcore hunting son. Thus far it appears my middle son River who is just over 3 and is in the lead. I never have to ask River twice about hitting the woods with me.
No matter whether on a four wheeler, side by side UTV, golf cart, snowmobile or on foot River wants to be outdoors with his daddy! We shed hunt, we turkey scout, deer scout, and this weekend we morel hunted together.
In addition to the River and Daddy time, I had the pleasure of hanging and binging with the rest of my family. Everyone enjoyed the hunt and loved yelling “bing,bing,bing!”
It took me a day to dial in my yellow morel radar but in the end we picked over 10 pounds of mostly jumbo morels all found near elm and ash trees. It’s such a rush to find the late season giants. To do it surrounded by family on Memorial Day weekend made it that much sweeter.
This is the end of the 2013 morel season for me as I’m getting slammed in the office the next little stretch. I hunted in 3 states and claimed over 1,000 morels which equates to an excellent binging season!
Until next time, getcha bing on…