Practicing Gratitude on The Hunt

POSTED: 11-28-2014 IN: Your Weekly Weapon With David Farbman

My boys, Hunter, River and Fischer, have all brought home their “thankful” worksheets in celebration of Thanksgiving. They are thankful for Mom and Dad and trains and trucks and iPads and Legos. When you are a kid, it’s easy to make a list of things, big or small, that make your day happy and your heart light. As adults, we often lose sight of those everyday moments of gratitude as we seek the big absolutes, defined by our “ifs” and “whens” – “when I get that promotion, I’ll be happy then” or “if this company takes off, I’ll be so grateful then.”

Daily gratitude is a tough practice, especially when you are on the hunt for the things you want most. But gratitude is an investment you cannot afford to miss. It pays off in spades, in unexpected and rewarding ways.

Gratitude puts you in the tree stand. When you can see the small ways you are achieving your goals and can express your thanks to the universe, you have already put yourself in a better place for achieving more.

Gratitude takes on the Judge and wins. The Judge is the voice in your head that points out the reasons why you will fail, pushing you towards negativity and incapacitating you. Being thankful immediately puts you in a place of positivity and allows the Scout to come to the forefront, seeking out opportunity and positioning you for success, moving you forward on the hunt.

Gratitude is like air. It’s all around you, easily accessible yet frequently unnoticed. But once you start paying attention to it, it grows by leaps and bounds and becomes a jet stream that you can leverage constantly.

Gratitude creates flow. By aligning your actions and decisions with your gratitude, you put yourself in the most powerful position possible for achieving results. That’s how you live in the Hunt. Positive energy generates positive results.

You will be well served by pursuing gratitude as avidly as you do the targets you have set for yourself. Say it out loud to the universe, share it with a stranger who is kind to you, and express it fully to the ones you love.

Let me take this moment to say I am grateful this year, and every other, for the love of my family, for the success I work towards every day, for the beauty of the sunrise, for the glory of nature and for the friends who make my days brighter and more joyful for their presence. I’m a lucky man.

And thank you, for reading, subscribing and sharing The Hunt.

XO –
D Farbz

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