Set your Sights on Success

POSTED: 04-17-2015 IN: Your Weekly Weapon With David Farbman

Do you ever get to the very precipice of a real breakthrough and get stuck? Hanging on to the edge of success is a tough spot. When you need that little extra push, try using your Hunter’s Vision. When we use our minds to imagine a goal coming to fruition, we unleash one of the universe’s great gifts.

Our minds are incredibly powerful. Sometimes, seeing really is believing. Even cavemen understood the importance of visualization; painting cave walls with the vision of their hunt. I have painted the vision for HealthRise on my office walls, not so I have something pretty to look at, but to remind me, daily, in the moment, where this company is headed.

Scientists believe that we may experience real-world and imaginary actions in similar ways. Therefore, the more you practice Hunter’s Vision, the more you train your mind to be open to opportunity.

Use these four tips when creating your vision to take you to the next level on your hunt:

  • Use all your senses.
  • Be the star.
  • Practice.
  • Write it down.

The truth is that imagery can’t make you perform beyond your capabilities. But it can help you reach your potential. The potential for greatness lies in all of us; arming yourself with a strong mental vision will give you the advantage you need.

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