Have You ever paid attention to how much You and Your friends talk about people? No matter whether You walk into a gas station and the attendant is gossiping away on their cell phone or people are chatting it up at Dunkin Donuts, we too often talk about other people. It is a fact that we can only consciously process a tiny fraction of the information coming at us at one time. When You waste some or all of this limited capacity gossiping about others You cheat Yourself out of learning new things, You cheat Yourself out of growth and out of getting the targets You are truly after in life.
Do You want to try and open up more of Your brain and processing capacity and get more of what You are after? For the next week try the these two steps. First, in the moment try to consciously log each and every time You start talking about other people and write it down. Second, replay Your day like a movie at the end of each day and then try and figure out how many minutes or hours You spent doing this.
Now, make a deal with Yourself to cut the amount of time in half each day until You are down to very few minutes. Soon You will be stopping others in their tracks by saying things like “Steve, that’s great but how is this conversation serving You or whats the point of this conversation Steve”? Before You know it You will unclog a bunch of wasted brain capacity and consciously process more of what matters in life and be on Your way to action not gossip.