Whether or not we hunt animals, we are all hunters and inside of each and every one of us lies that which I call our “authentic hunter.” Do you know the authentic hunter that lives inside of you? Within it lies the key to our greatness.
After interviewing so many amazing people for my upcoming book, people in and out of the outdoor industry, I have confirmed my theory that authenticity is almost always a key driving force behind success in life.
Too often we associate the meaning of authenticity with a “big personality,” but that’s not always correct. Authenticity is our natural best self being leveraged, regardless of what that may look like, as we are all unique. At one end of the scale you might find a Lee Lakosky or a Toxey Haas: confident, visionary, yet understated. On the other end, you’ll find a Mark Zona or a Nick Mundt with comical tendencies and extreme comfort in front of the camera. While very different, both styles thrive through their authentic hunter and both styles put meat in the freezer.
As hunters we each have our own style, our own schtick. The key lies within finding our most authentic hunter, which is our legit electromagnetic signature on the world. How often when pursuing goals do you tap into and live through your authentic hunter? I don’t care if you are hunting a business deal, a big relationship, a collectible item, or a grizzly bear, these are all hunts in life. Find the authentic hunter, live within it, and the rest will work itself out–you will take down that which you are after.
Our highest and best self is our authentic hunter. The authentic hunter knows its purpose, and that is to conquer its prey. Too often in life we are not our authentic hunter, therefore we come up short on our goals. Authenticity is much like momentum in that you can’t fake it, or it’s obvious to others and therefore it is ineffective. Perhaps more importantly, it is obvious to you.
Do not make apologies for your authentic hunter, we all have our own brand, and when we live inside of it we will attract flow like never before. The law of attraction begins to kick in when we live all of our lives within the authentic hunter–we become deliberate and purposeful.
The next time you feel like you are not getting what you want out of life, take close notice to the way you are living, the way you are hunting. Are you playing the game leveraging your authentic hunter and blending into each situation with your own authentic style, or are you unnaturally conforming or even fighting the moment? The best hunter knows how to adapt to their environment using their natural order with nothing fake about it. In life we will be thrown into a wide variety of situations, and face many challenges, when we hunt with authenticity we will find success more often than not. So f*#k fake, unleash the authentic hunter and watch the world come to you…