What Makes a Great Leader?

POSTED: 08-21-2015 IN: Your Weekly Weapon With David Farbman

Lately, I’ve been thinking about what makes a great leader. I truly believe some people are born leaders, and some are made. I like to learn about leadership styles and the details that lead to the success of others, always striving to be the best leader I can be for my teams, my companies and my family. I have found all leaders share the same like qualities and characteristics that make them excel at hunting down success.

The best leaders are:

Authentic. They are real and authentic, using their stories and learning from their less than great moments.

Scouts. They can spot an opportunity, learn from it and pivot as the landscape changes – all in pursuit of their goal.

Curious. They ask tough questions, dig in deep, learn, think through macro points before they execute.

Believers. They believe in themselves, their teams and they build     on their belief through continuous learning and embracing their fear of the unknown.

Big Thinkers. They know, in their hearts and minds, that there is always something more out there.

Focused on a Desired Outcome. They set achievable goals and commit to hitting their targets.

Unstoppable. Great leaders are not held back by limitations, they go beyond their potential and see possibilities, not parameters.

Hunters.   They put their mind, body and soul into achieving the goals they set for themselves. They check in on their motivations to be certain they are always moving toward the bulls-eye.

We all have great leaders in our lives that we can learn from, be inspired by and aspire to be like. I grew up with great leaders right in my house; my parents were my first inspirations. These days, I find inspiration from the small business owners getting on their feet in Detroit; from the stories of my friends and fellow YPO members; from the Mark Zuckerbergs of the world who are changing the world as I type this. So, I ask you, hunters, whom can you learn from today? What will take your leadership to the next level?

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