5 tips for getting what you want out of life

POSTED: 10-17-2014 IN: Uncategorized


Every day, I do one thing to make my life better, bigger, brighter than it was the day before.  Some things take planning and others are spur of the moment ideas that take off in unexpected ways.  Some days I turn left instead of right and see how that road might take me home.  Other days, I take a walk around the office building and see how nature is painting new colors on the trees and making a brighter day of her own.

One thing I know is you can’t expect your life to change all on its own.  No one meets the love of their life sitting on the sofa watching TV, or spots the buck of a lifetime from behind their desk.  A better, bigger life is waiting for you if you follow my tips for getting what you want!

1)   Be authentic.  Take a long solid look at yourself and decide to love you.   The camouflage and expectations of others have no place in determining who you are.  You make the choice to embrace yourself.  Be the best at being you.

2)   State your desired outcome.  Write it down on a piece of paper and put it in your wallet.  Or make a note on your cell phone.  Look at it often.  Words have incredible power.  Say, “I am…” or “I want…” Be specific.  Add details as they come to you.   Prioritize your DO.  If you want to lose ten pounds, make those ten pounds the target in your mind and do not deviate from your goal.  Eyes on the prize!

3)   Put yourself out there.  You will not lose ten pounds watching The Biggest Loser.  You will lose ten pounds if you exercise while watching The Biggest Loser.  You are the biggest part of any equation when it comes to hitting your targets.

4)   Leverage.  Leverage your relationships, your knowledge and your skills.  Continuing with the weight loss example, find a friend who wants to lose weight too, that will keep you both in check.  Maybe you are a great shopper, but not a great cook.   Leverage that skill to someone who hates to shop but loves to cook.  Leverage is about recognizing opportunity and making connections.

5)   Take risks.  Get outside your comfort zone.  Leave fear in the dust and do those things you’ve always wanted to do.  And life will come to you.

At the end of each day, I like to play back the day in my mind, acknowledge the low points but focus on the high points.  My desired outcome is to live my life to it’s fullest and know that I got the best each day had to offer.  I never want to go to sleep thinking, “well, I tried” but thinking “Wow.  I lived this one.”  Hunters, get out there and live!  The Hunt waits for no one.


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