
POSTED: 10-10-2014 IN: Uncategorized

On Tuesday night, there was a full moon, the first full moon after the Harvest Moon. It’s called the Hunter’s Moon and it lasts for two nights, coincidentally the night before and of my birthday. I had no idea. My mom, Suzy Farbman, author of “GodSigns” sent me a quick note, just bringing it to my attention and pointing out it was “some kind of sign, for sure.”

It’s hard to avoid the signs nature puts in our paths. And it is often only in retrospect that we are able to see how those things affected our choices in the moment. As a hunter, it is an invaluable skill to remain focused and present on the hunt, not to let your mind wander to other things but to see the details in the broken twigs or disturbed earth, the miniscule but vital details that confirm that what you are hunting has crossed your path.

So as I looked at that beautiful Hunter’s moon, I reveled in the details of the events of this past year and marveled at how each day has brought me a step closer to the targets I seek. Whether through learning something new, moving into fresh office space, celebrating one of my sons’ birthdays or simply appreciating another sunrise, it has been a great year. And as I move into another year of this life, that moon reminded me to look up, get above and clear and set my sights on fresh targets that will make my life and the lives of those around me even better.

Pay attention to the signs in your life. Sometimes a red light is more than a traffic nuisance. And sometimes a full moon can alter your perspective and provide you with the cosmic reassurance that you are on the right path.

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