America: The Land of the Free, Home of the Brave

POSTED: 07-03-2014 IN: Your Weekly Weapon With David Farbman

I love America. I love baseball and Budweiser and apple pie. I love American cars and warm summer nights and kids running with sparklers and fireworks: big loud, bursts of light in the sky that celebrate the freedom we all enjoy every day. In simple terms, I love the Fourth of July and everything it represents. This might be a bit of a history lesson, but humor me. Part of my journey as a hunter, as a businessman, and as an American is to remember to express my gratitude for our great country: Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.

From those first pilgrims who escaped England and the tyranny of a government trying to control their beliefs to our forefathers who were able to get above and clear and see a future where all men could be equal, we are the progeny of over two hundred years of hunters, men and women who set their focus on a target and pursued it with an inspirational intensity.

George Washington, our first president, was a True Hunter and king of what I call Predatory Consciousness. He was, by all accounts, a remarkably “present” man, aware of his surroundings, in the moment, alive and aware. As a member of the Continental Congress, he helped create the precedents and foundations for the freedoms we enjoy daily.

In drafting the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson created a document that could stand the test of time. His Authenticity was front and center; he was absolutely clear on not only his Desired Outcome, but also one that would serve generations of Americans.

I bring up our fourth president, James Madison, because he was an incredible writer and a master of flow. Flow is the moment when you are naturally aligned with the people and ideas that bring success to you. Madison crafted words that captured the spirit of our great country and wrote the Bill of Rights, guaranteeing that our citizens would have the tools to be great hunters and go out to hit the targets that mean the most to them, as individuals, as Americans and as members of a global community.

As we celebrate this day of Independence, I also want to thank the men and women who serve our country every day, as soldiers, as civil servants, as teachers; the people who hunt down targets that in the end, serve us all, and continue the evolution of what it means to be a citizen of the greatest country in the world. God bless America.

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