In the last month, I’ve picked up a few words of wisdom I’m carrying around in my brain like a talisman. Words that are game changers. Words that I almost felt like I should have known, but needed to be put in front of me. It’s like a lightbulb went off inside of me and now I’m applying these words and ideas to every situation, every hunt.
First, from my friend Mat Ishbia, the President and CEO of United Shore on accountability:
“Be a thumb pointer, not a finger pointer.” At United Shore, if there’s a problem, there is no accusation, only self-reflection. If you are in a conflict or facing a problem, ask yourself, what can I do or what did I do to contribute to the issue. And what can I do to fix it?
And the other, from world-class speaker Dr. Eric Thomas on appreciating all opportunities:
“You don’t got to, you get to.” (And he apologized for the bad grammar). When you start looking at life like it’s something you GET to do, it changes everything.
And if that is not inspiration enough, here is a link to my Daily Fuel video on accountability as a key to success.
Now get out there and hunt down your targets! I want to know how you are doing, shoot me a note anytime.